Utility classes and functions


class iniabu.utilities.ProxyList(parent, proxy_cls, valid_set, *args, **kwargs)

Proxy for accessing elements and isotopes as lists.

This class is inspired by a class with the same name from the project InstrumentKit by Galvant Industries. It is used to generate lists of objects. The valid keys are defined by the valid_set initialization parameter. This allows generating a single property for elements and isotopes to access them.




Get all available isotopes of a given element, stable and unstable.

This is particularly interesting if we want to know the mass of unstable isotopes.

Parameters:ele (str) – Element name
Returns:All isotopes of the element as a list.
Return type:list(str)


iniabu.utilities.get_all_stable_isos(ini, ele)

Get all isotopes of a given element.

  • ini (IniAbu) – Initialized iniabu instance
  • ele (str) – Element name

All isotopes of the element as a list.

Return type:



iniabu.utilities.item_formatter(iso: str) → str

Transform iso into correct format, e.g,. from 46Ti to Ti-46.

Also appropriately capitalizes isotopes and elements.

Supported formats: - 46Ti - Ti46 - Ti-46

Parameters:iso – Isotope as string or element name.
Returns:iso, but in transformed notation and capitalized


iniabu.utilities.linear_units(ini, mass_fraction)

Context manager to turn current instants units linear if logarithmic.

This is used mainly for ratio calculation, since logarithmic cannot be ratioed to each other.

  • ini (IniAbu) – Initialized iniabu instance
  • mass_fraction (bool or None) – Mass fraction variable passed on from last routine

ini as with adjusted units (if necessary)


IniAbu instance



Make an isotope dictionary from an element dictionary.

Parameters:element_dict (dict) – Element dictionary.
Returns:Isotope dictionaries with same abundances as element dictionary.
Return type:dict



Make element and isotope dictionaries for logarithmic abundances.

This routine takes an element dictionary with linear abundances, normed to Si equals 1e6, and returns new dictionaries with logarithmic abundances, normed to log10(Nx/NH) + 12, where Nx is the number abundance of the element in question and NH is the number abundance of hydrogen.

Parameters:element_dict (dict) – Element dictionary.
Returns:Element and isotope dictionaries with logarithmic solar abundances.
Return type:dict,dict



Make element and isotope dictionaries for mass fractions.

This routine takes an element dictionary with linear abundances, normed to Si equals 1e6, and returns new dictionaries with mass fractions. The mass fraction Xi of an isotope i is defined as Xi = Ni mi / sum(Ni mi). Here, Ni is the number abundance of a element / isotope i and mi is its mass.

Parameters:element_dict (dict) – Element dictionary.
Returns:Element and isotope dictionaries with mass fractions.
Return type:dict,dict



Return the input as a ndarray.

Parameters:val (int,float,list,tuple,ndarray) – Input value.
Returns:Array of input value if not an array, otherwise return itself.
Return type:ndarray



Return the input as a list.

Parameters:s (str,list) – Input value.
Returns:List of input value if not a list, otherwise return itself.
Return type:list



Simplify standard return values.

Specifically written for classes with multiple return types, such as iniabu.elements.Elements and iniabu.isotopes.Isotopes. If only one entry is in the list, it should not be returned as a list but as a value. Otherwise, return the list.

Parameters:return_list (list,ndarray) – List or numpy array with the value to be returned.
Returns:If only one entry in list, return that entry. Otherwise return list.