
Normalization isotope

Throughout this package, you are able to set isotope ratios by selecting an element for the denominator. In these cases, iniabu will by default select the most abundant isotope of this element as the normalizing one. However, you can configure iniabu to overwrite this behavior. This especially handy if you want to normalize ratios by default to another isotope. For example, barium is often normalized to 136Ba instead of the most abundant 138Ba. In order to set this isotope as the main one, you can run the following:

>>> from iniabu import ini
>>> ini.norm_isos = {"Ba": "Ba-136"}

The ini.norm_isos property holds a dictionary with user defined normalization / main isotopes. You can add more isotopes after the fact:

>>> ini.norm_isos = {"Si": "Si-29"}
>>> ini.norm_isos
{'Ba': 'Ba-136', 'Si': 'Si-29'}

This would now hold both normalization isotopes that were defined. To reset the dictionary, run:

>>> ini.reset_norm_isos()